Pros And Cons Of Using OTC Allicin Oil To Treat Pinworms

Pinworms can be quite a nuisance. These tiny worms like to live in the large intestine. They emerge from the anus at night to lay eggs just outside of it, which causes intense itching. Pinworms are common in kids, but they can affect adults, too. There are a few ways to get rid of them, including some prescription medications. However, one remedy people can turn to is allicin oil, a substance derived from garlic. Read More 

How Can An Infrared Sauna Session After Working Out Benefit Athletes?

If you're an athlete, scheduling an infrared sauna session after a tough workout can benefit you in multiple ways. Infrared saunas directly warm your body using infrared light in order to raise your core temperature, and this often makes them easier to tolerate than traditional saunas that heat up a room using steam. Raising your body temperature increases your heart rate just like physical activity without causing any wear and tear on your joints and muscles. Read More 

What Makes Some CBD Tinctures “Relaxing?”

When you start shopping for CBD tinctures, one thing you'll soon notice is that there are a lot of options. Some CBD tinctures will be specifically labeled "relaxing." CBD on its own does tend to take the edge off of stress and help you relax. However, if a CBD tincture is specifically labeled "relaxing," there is usually something about it that makes it more relaxing than your average, plain, CBD tincture. Read More 

Want To Lose Belly Fast Without Surgery? Use A Fat Freezing Treatment

Losing belly fat can be difficult, especially after you have a baby or are older. You can get surgery to remove the fat, but this takes time and money, and there is always a chance of problems. Another option you have that does not require surgery is using a CryoSlimming fat-freezing treatment. Below is information on how this works so you can decide if you would like this for you.  Read More 

The Best Healing Crystals For People With Depression

Depression is a difficult burden to bear. There are plenty of treatments, from prescription drugs to herbs, but no single treatment works for everyone. Therefore, it is often wise to do a little experimenting and see what type of healing works best for you. Crystal healing is one option to explore. Certain crystals, when worn as jewelry, are said to affect the flow of energy through your mind and body in beneficial ways. Read More