What Is That? How To Identify Your Horse’s Skin Conditions

If you've recently purchased your first horse, you've probably educated yourself on the care and treatment your new equine family member will require, including all the feed and supplements it will need. However, you might not have familiarized yourself with the various skin ailments your horse may encounter throughout its life. Those skin ailments will require your attention as soon as they develop, so it's important that you know what you're looking for. Read More 

Five Natural Tips To Overcome Smelly Armpits

Few things are more embarrassing than body odor. Yet, if conventional deodorants or their fragrances irritate you, then you may feel like you have no choice but to smell. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to combat body odor while still maintaining your comfort and your health. Tip #1: Keep your pits dry Most underarm odors are caused by odor-causing bacteria that thrive on damp skin. This is why many people notice bad smells even after they have bathed – failure to dry the arm pits thoroughly allowed bacteria to quickly multiply. Read More 

From Congestion Relief To Fever Reducer: Six Benefits Of Menthol Crystals

Perhaps you already know that menthol has been used for centuries due to its healing properties. There are many ways to use menthol, and when purchased in crystal form, from companies such as Mass Corporation, you can get creative and make your own home remedies for what ails you. Here are a handful of advantages to using menthol crystals: 1. It's an Invigorating Wake-Me-Up If you feel groggy and sluggish first thing in the morning, what do you normally do to wake up? Read More 

3 Natural Supplements For Pain Relief

If you enjoy natural health care, you will want to figure out which supplements are best for certain ailments. This way, you will be able to stock your medicine cabinet with every kind of supplement that you could ever need to deal with health problems as they arise. Pain is a health issue that in 2006, 76 million Americans dealt with in some form or fashion, so if you're looking to beat this pain without turning to pills, consider these three supplements for your pain relief needs. Read More 

Health Concerns And Psychic Readings: How Alternative Solutions Work Alongside Traditional Medical Care

Turning to natural solutions for health care is something that more people are doing every day. Confidence increases in these options as scientific research has confirmed the effectiveness of alternative treatments like acupuncture and herbs and spices. Another healing method that has earned more respect is the power of the mind/spirit to help heal the body. Many medical professionals now encourage their patients to visualize their bodies healing or their medication fighting their disease. Read More